
We are distributor and competence partner of the complete line of Tibbo products, Tibbo Technology Inc, in Switzerland

One of the key product lines are Serial-over-IP solutions.

DS 1102 DS 1102DS 1102

The DS1101 is a compact BASIC-programmable controller targeting serial-over-IP and serial control applications.

The DS1101 features a multi-channel RS232 port. The device has a single DB9M connector and is priced as a single-port product, yet packs 3.5 independent serial channels.

Another feature of the DS1101 is its software-controlled power output on pin 9 of the DB9 connector — you can power an attached serial device directly through the DS1101. Alternatively, the DS1101 itself can be powered through the pin 9. The device power can also be supplied via its power jack or the optional power-over-Ethernet board*.

The DS1101 can be equipped with a 96x32 monochrome OLED display and Wi-Fi interface*.

There are eight LEDs on the device's front: green and red main status LEDs, a yellow Ethernet link LED, and five blue LEDs, which can be used for Wi-Fi signal strength indication. A buzzer is provided as well.

Each DS1101 is supplied with the DIN rail and wall mounting plates.

The device comes preloaded with a fully functional serial-over-IP application.

* Wi-Fi and power-over-Ethernet options are mutually exclusive

See Tibbo SoIP